Monday 5 February 2018

Personal Value: Why You Must Give Yourself More Value

 Personal values dictate the life of an individual. Its a central value of who you are and who you want to become. As each individual is unique, beyond the irrefutable element that identifies each human being (DNA), personal values also make each individual special.
Personal values are rooted in the depths of man. These are ideals, aptitudes, conceptions that you have adopted over the years in your life. Knowing them allows you to discover yourself and opens the door to other possibilities. Knowing your personal value is a necessity.

It is the personal values that dictate the life of an individual. It becomes essential to know them and especially to know how to turn them to his advantage. Your qualities, as well as your faults, are directly related to these values. In your professional life (for the choice of your profession for example), in your life as a couple or simply in your relationships with others, you will be influenced by these values.

In looking for your personal values, what you need to keep in mind is openness and honesty with yourself. It will be useless to lie to you. Use sincerity to determine values that are closest to reality. If for example, you recognize a bad attitude that you have always refused to admit, it will be time to confront reality.

Understand that these values change. However, some of them do not change. The more they are rooted in you, the more they will tend to follow you all your life.

Personal values are not fixed. Throughout your existence, consciously or not, you will let several events transform you in many ways. You will notice, for example, that you were a tolerant person whom a situation of injustice made bitter.

Do not hesitate to redefine your personal values from time to time.

If you've always suspected you deserve more out of life by giving yourself more personal value or you've spent years trying out countless transformation systems that promised magical results but didn't work…  And now you're skeptical because you've always ended up feeling stupid for daring to believe in the first place...then check out this ebook

Saturday 9 January 2016


Oxford dictionary defines success as 'the accomplishment of an aim or objective'. this means you have become a success when you achieve what you have been working earnestly to achieve.

You need to admit that success begins in your mind. As a matter of fact, your level of success is greatly determined by your state of mind.

Everyone wants to be successful but the mistakes that everyone makes is that they think that success is some kind of finishing line in a race, once you crossed that line, you will be successful ever after. That is not true, success is a continuous and gradual process, and you must be in position to achieve it.

Here are a few ways you could position yourself for success.

1.       Be optimistic.
Success is achieved and maintained by people who try and keep going with a positive thought. Never allow negative thoughts and hearsay discourage you from pursuing your dream. Thomas Edilson is good example of a man with great optimism. We learnt that he tried and failed for 10000 times before he produce the incandescent bulb, if he had quit in the 9999 times, he would have become a total failure but he was optimistic until he achieve his dream.

2.       Be ready to listen and learn.
Learning is a continuous process. Don’t be an expert on everything. Successful people are those who gives room for new opportunities. They never believed to have arrived but always look forward to learn and implement new things. The basic point am driving out here is that, you must always learn more and you must always seek out valuable information that will help you become a successful person. You can make up your mind as you read this article today to learn something new every day.

3.       Change your attitude
Your attitude is your window to the world. In order to achieve the success you desire, you must change your attitude. Your success in life begins and ends with your attitude. It is only when you cultivate the right attitude towards everything in life that you can achieve the kind of success that you desire.

Lastly, remember that every successful people have one or more story tell, position yourself for success today and your story will be the newest in town.

Friday 1 January 2016

Top 11 Powerful Prayer Points for 2016

Making Your Request Known To God
Prayer is the best way to make our request known to God. We communicate to God through our prayers. The 11 powerful prayer points below can serve as guide for us when we are making our request known to God this year.

1. God, let this year bring many opportunities my way to explore joy of life and turn all my dreams into realities.

2. God, restore to me all my past opportunities and lost glory.

3. God, let me experience a new and greater level of your peace glory this year.

4. God, multiply my blessings like the uncountable rain and make my way prosperous to infinity.

5. God, let this year mark a turning point in my life and grant all all my heart desires.

6. God, exempt me from all evils and calamities of this year.

7. God, don't let me have any reason to weep all through this year

8. God, let me experience divine surprises in all areas of my life all through this year.

9. God, break every siege of stagnation, frustration and failure in my life all through this year.

10. God, make me to leave far above what others may be suffering throughout this year.

11. God, let me and my household enjoy your divine preservation throughout this year

Tuesday 22 July 2014

14 Quotes that transformed my life

Just a little inspiration can go a long way to change our way of living. One of the factors that affect our life is what we hear, listen to and read always. When life looks so daunting for me and everything around me seems to be going in the wrong direction-here are some of the quotes that transformed my life and give me a new beginning. It has helped me, I am sure it will also motivate and help  you when you are depressed, and congratulate you when you break new grounds.

1. In the middle of difficulties lies opportunity- Albert Eistein

2. If you think you’re too small to make an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room- Anonymous

3. The first step to get the things you want out of life is this: “DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT”- Ben Stein

4. What I’ve experienced in life is that I can’t know the future. I can’t know if anything that I do will change what happens tomorrow, I can’t know with certainty, but what I do know is if I do nothing, nothing will happen- James Orbinski

5. The world suffers a lot not because of the violence of bad people but because of the silence of good people- Napollien Hill

6. In any moment of decision, the best you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worse thing is nothing- Anonymous

7. Most folks are about as happy as they makes up their minds to be- Abraham Lincoln

8. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind- Bernard M. Baruch

9. You’ve got to dance like there is nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there’s nobody listening and live like its heaven on earth- William W Purkey

10. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough- Mac West

11. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent-Eleanor Roosevelt

12. Believe in yourself, have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own power you cannot be successful or happy- Norman Vincent Peale

13. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them, and if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same- Jesus Christ

14. The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind- William James

We would be so glad if you tell us your favorite inspirational or motivational quote below. It could be of help to somebody

Sunday 29 June 2014


View your past mistakes as stepping stone to your greatness. There’s so much ahead of you than what has happened in the past. You need to understand that our eyes are in front because it’s more important to look ahead than to look back. Don’t allow your past mistake to overwhelm you, learn from them and keep moving forward.

Forget what you couldn’t do before, the brokenness, the molestation, the bitterness, the bareness, the broken home, the limitation, the pains of the past because right ahead of you lies elevation, sweetness, fruitfulness, happy home, manifestation and victory.

Bob Gass writes- The road to victory is often through multiple defeats.

Defeats are mere mistakes, when you make a mistake, you learn a better way of doing it right, and the truth is, if you don’t taste the pain of what’s wrong, you can never understand the wisdom of what’s right.

There are people who have had it easier than you and still become miserable, there are people who have had it harder than you and succeed. The only thing you need to do now in order to get back on the right track is to make up your mind that you will let go of your past. If you don’t let it go, it will rob you of your future.

Never allow regret in your life, it will destroy your fighting spirit and rob you of your hope. Everyone in life have something they wish to accomplish. Forget your past mistakes and start preparing for the future.

There is nothing you can do about the past, you can’t change it. You can only change your present and the future by what you do today. Having regrets or crying around over what you can’t change is a complete waste of time and resources. Get over it and move on.

Friday 6 December 2013

Your Destiny is Shaped by Your Confidence

How many times have you heard people say that to succeed in life you need to have confidence in your own ability? Nothing in life is difficult if you know how to believe in yourself in any situation. Most people have this misconception that confidence is something that is either there or not. It is a natural ability that can’t be inculcated but this is not true. Believing in yourself against all odds is an art.

Everything is controlled and perceived by the mind and if you can train your mind to feel confident, it will always remain like it. The most important thing that defines confidence in an individual is his/her self image. Self esteem plays a crucial role in determining the attitude of an individual towards a situation. It is generally observed that people, who consistently belittle themselves, tend to suffer from lack of confidence.

They are always pessimistic in their view point and are defensive in their approach. This is why it is imperative that people suffering from lack of confidence must take the necessary steps to build up their self esteem. An improved outlook towards life will always bring about opportunities that are rewarding and prosperous. People with high levels of confidence are always challenging themselves and are never bothered by any situation in their lives. The best is that they are not worried about what others are thinking of them and are always focussed on the task in hand. This is what high self esteem can bring you:

• You feel confident about yourself and are willing to try and test new things

• High confidence means high courage, you will never back away from situations that are testing or tough.

• You will become more aware about your personality and perceptions and will always be able to make better decisions both personally and professionally.

• You are always in control of your life; your decisions are not influenced by any external factors or influences.

High self esteem and confidence are virtues that can be enhanced in individuals at any age. The most easiest and effective way to build confidence and self esteem is self love. Nothing beats self love. No matter what your current circumstance is, you need to love yourself for who you are. If you have a good image of yourself in your own eyes, you will always be in control of your actions. You will trust your judgement and will always feel good about your life.

To love yourself, you first need to release all the negative notions or beliefs you may have about your personality. You need to start doing things you are uncomfortable with. You need to take more control of your life. The potential in a person is nothing without self esteem or confidence. Your talent needs the support of your confidence to shine on any platform. People are always bound to react in a defensive mode, when the chips are down, but how they emerge from that given situation depends entirely upon the level of their confidence. So be confident and live your life to the full.

Author Profile: Albert Camus is a well-established blogger, who has written several blogs on how to how to change your life. He believes that the fate of an individual is not dependent on his/her luck or talent but on his/her confidence and how he/she uses it. He also conducts routine workshops to improve confidence & self esteem.

Article Source: Your Destiny is Shaped by Your Confidence

Wednesday 4 December 2013


You have not fail until you stop trying. Failure is like fertilizer, it's the stuff success grows on.

In the Psychology of Achievement, Brian Tracy tells of some millionaire who made their fortunes by the age of 35. What's remarkable about them is that all of them have tried an average of Seventeen different things before they found the one that made them successful. This is absolutely notable, they tried and failed sixteen times before they found a way out, that's what it takes, a determination and an attitudes that refuses to quit.

Bob Gass writes: "Only when you look failure in the eye, experience it and move beyond it, will you succeed." You can never succeed if you don't fail.

I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.-Tony Robbins

In Leadership magazines, J. Hamilton says, 'The increase of suicides, alcoholics, and even some forms of nervous breakdown , is evidence that many people are training for success without ever been trained to handle for failure. Yet failure is far more common than success.

We are too quick to judge things as failure when they're just learning experiences. Knowing what doesn't work, moves you closer to what does.

The truth of the matter is that no one will ever succeed without failing.

We need to hear this truth everyday if we are to overcome our fear of failure and move beyond them so as to fulfill our destiny.

Here are 6 golden truth about failure.

1. Failing doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you have not yet succeeded.
2. Failing doesn't mean you are inferior, it just means you are not perfect.
3. Failing doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing, it just means you have learn something new.
4. Failing doesn't mean you have wasted your time, it just means you have a reason to start over.
5. Failing doesn't mean you should stop trying, it just means you have to put in more effort.
6. Failing doesn't mean God has abandoned you, it just means HE has a better idea.

Understanding these 6 golden truth about failure will make you to look at it in the eye and
move beyond it.

It is only a matter of time before you start seeing result that will amaze you.

Fear doesn’t always have to be something really big and scary that we are terrified of. It can simply be the fear of making a mistake and that’s sometimes harder for us to recognize. This EBOOK will help you to learn powerful new techniques for creating the life you want... and obliterate anything that stands in your way! Face the fear and be set free from the power of failure forever

Comment below and let us learn from your experience. Your word of encouragement can help someone today.